Let’s Not Go Back to “Normal”
- Posted by Main Street Staff
- On April 20, 2020
Corona virus is changing our lifestyles, and our carbon footprint. With less need for cars during the Stay-at-Home orders, bikes and pedestrians are taking over the streets. Air pollution and noise levels are dropping, benefiting our planet and the other organisms who we share it with.
We don’t want our traffic-ridden polluted cities to go “back to normal”, with thousands of people stuck in rush hour traffic on smoggy, noisy highways. We want to see cities changed for the better. Can we collectively use this “pause” in our routine as an opportunity to rethink and redesign our cities?
There is a tremendous wave of positive articles surfacing the internet, describing environmentally positive trends across the planet.
Here are a few interesting article snippets relating to eco-friendly trends:
According to the article “Coronavirus Quarantines Lead to Massive Drop in Air Pollution” published by CNBC, “cleaner air has saved about 50,000 lives in China alone over these past few months”.
According to the article “In a Global Health Emergency, the Bicycle Shines” published on citylab.com, “The Dutch government enacted a mass program of cycle track construction [back in late 1900’s] that continues to this day. Now, nearly 30% of all trips nationwide happen on a bike, and cities are even connected by bicycle “superhighways.” Read more about dutch bikeway systems here.
This article “Satellite Images Show Les Pollution Over the US as Coronavirus Shuts Down Public Places”, published by CNN, has an interactive map where you can see pollution levels compared to 2019. Cool!
We’re excited about this eco-friendly news, and hope we can use this momentum and achieve lasting change for a greener planet.